Autumn is a difficult time of year for me with the loss of Roxy who died on 11th October 2023 and Manfred on 7th November 2021.
Roxy was Manfred's beloved Welsh collie, his constant companion for 13 years. As she got older Manfred became mournful "I'll miss her when she's gone" he'd say with tears in his eyes. Never did we think it would be the other way round - that Roxy would outlive Manfred.
Roxy stayed with me for nearly two years after Manfred died. She was the living link between us, and their approaching anniversaries have been difficult to bear.
In Season of Heavenly Returns (pictured above) I use elements of our everyday life (Roxy's frisbee, local clay and leaves from Manfred's favourite staghorn tree) to honour their passage and help me move through this period of grief, one fallen leaf at a time.

Copyright Lu La Buzz 2024